Procrastinator to Producer 🚀
A Step-by-Step System to Overcome Procrastination
The Course is Currently Closed 🔒
Procrastinator to Producer is currently closed. I re-open it periodically – the best way to hear about openings is by joining my brother’s and my newsletter at
Let Me Guess... 🤔
You would like to be more disciplined.
You would like to wake up early, exercise regularly, get work done on time, and be more productive.
But… keep getting in your own way.
For whatever reason, you put things off and you’re unable to do the very things you’re sure you want or need to do.
Oftentimes, you know exactly what you should be doing. Yet, you can’t overcome the resistance and get yourself to follow through? And then you end up wasting massive amounts of time watching TV, playing video games, dillydallying on social media, or otherwise distracting yourself?
When you finally snap out of your distraction, you feel guilty about how you’ve spent the last couple of hours. You respond by harshly criticizing yourself, which further adds to your misery and causes you to drown yourself in even more distractions.
Procrastinator to Producer is a step-by-step system that safely guides you out of that misery – so you can follow through with your intentions and become the kind of disciplined and high-performing person you know you’re capable of becoming.
Hi, I’m Nils 👋
Why I’ve Created Procrastinator to Producer
Hi, my name is Nils Salzgeber. I’m the co-founder of NJlifehacks, a personal growth company dedicated to helping people become better versions of themselves and reach their wildest dreams.
I’m also the author of Stop Procrastinating, an Amazon bestselling book that chronicles my personal struggles with severe procrastination and how I’ve overcome them.
While I would describe myself as disciplined, productive, and fairly successful today, things haven’t always been that way…
The first twenty years of my life were the story of severe procrastination. I jokingly label myself “the second worst procrastinator ever” – beaten to the #1 spot only by my younger brother.
I couldn’t get myself to do anything and often felt lost and confused, like a helpless child who never grew up and is living in an adult body, faking being competent.
I felt like I was barely holding everything together, and I was constantly nervous about messing up. I was anxious of people finding out I had been faking it all along. Like a house of cards, I thought everything might come crashing down any minute. I often looked at other people, seeing how they lived their lives. It seemed so much easier for them somehow, as if they had been born with the gifts of reliability, discipline, and motivation.
Today, after years and years of making baby steps toward becoming more disciplined, I’m very much like the people I looked up to – productive, responsible, organized, and on top of things. Over the past few years, I’ve applied a lot of what I’ve learned to help thousands of procrastinators become more disciplined and productive through my articles and books.
In the process, I’ve heard from many people that they need and want more guidance. They want the exact strategies and systems I’ve used. They want accountability, and they want direct access to someone who’s been there to help them go through the process.
That’s why I created Procrastinator to Producer, to help people who struggle with procrastination learn from my personal transformation and become more organized, disciplined, and efficient.
Procrastinator to Producer gives you access to the exact strategies and systems I’ve used to overcome procrastination, and it gives you direct access to me so I can help you with your personal sticking points.
"Nils Salzgeber has helped thousands of people overcome procrastination. He's my go-to guy when it comes to all things self-discipline."
- Prof. Dr. Detlef Beeker, Happiness Researcher and Anti-Stress Expert
Why Procrastinator to Producer is Different
You may have tried many approaches to become more productive and disciplined and to beat procrastination. Yet none of them have produced tangible, consistent, and long-term results.
So, why should this course be any different?
1️⃣ Based on My Personal Transformation
I have personally gone through the transformation I’m promising you. I’ve gone from severe procrastinator to one of the most disciplined people I know. Unlike other supposed experts on the topic, I’ve actually been there and done that. I know what works and what doesn’t. Frankly, I know what it takes and I’m sharing it all with you – the mindset shifts I’ve had to make, the skills I needed to learn, and the systems I needed to create.
2️⃣ Clear Action Steps
The course provides clear action steps that force you to go beyond theory and actually take action on what you’ve learned. I tell you exactly what to do, and why. Each action step helps you become a little bit more productive and disciplined. All you have to do is watch the videos and then follow the instructions. It’s as step-by-step as possible. No guess-work involved.
3️⃣ Unlimited Support from Me Personally
You get unlimited support from me personally. Did I forget to cover something? Do you have a specific challenge you’re struggling with? Shoot me an email and I’ll get back to with a detailed and practical response, usually within 12 hours. (Hint: My most successful students are the ones who don’t shy away from asking questions and getting the support they need.)
7 Modules Tackle 7 Reasons Why You Procrastinate
Procrastinator to Producer consists of seven modules, each tackling a different problem that likely causes you to procrastinate.
📝 Module 1
The Problem: Lack of Awareness
If you don’t understand a problem, how are you going to fix it? If you don’t know which factors influence your procrastination behavior, how are you going to optimize them? Fact: The better you understand procrastination, the faster you’ll change your behavior.
Module 1 teaches you the basics of procrastination so you can better understand your own behavior, which allows you to change said behavior more quickly and effectively. This includes info on why you procrastinate, what it has to do with willpower, how willpower works, and much more.
🗺️ Module 2
The Problem: Your Environment Pushes You into Procrastination
FACT: Your environment has the biggest immediate impact on your behavior. Certain factors lead to more procrastination, while others lead to less. Right now, your environment is likely set up in a way that eats up your willpower and nudges you into procrastination.
Module 2 explains how environment design works and why it has such a massive effect on your life. You’re then guided through a step-by-step process of setting up your own environment in a way that minimizes procrastination while maximizing self-discipline and productivity. This includes decluttering various aspects of your life, eliminating distractions, and removing procrastination triggers.
📅 Module 3
The Problem: You’re Disorganized
Being badly organized creates overwhelm, stress, and a sense of non-stop background anxiety. These are all factors that reduce willpower and fuel procrastination.
Module 3 teaches you my personal organization system. You’ll empty your head of everything that’s unnecessarily stored there. You’ll create a clear list of next actions, a list of things you’re waiting on, a list of current priorities and projects, and a list of activities and experiences you may wish to tackle in the future. As a result, you’ll be more focused and you’ll feel more calm and in control of your life.
💤 Module 4
The Problem: Your Sleep Sucks
Not being able to fall asleep quickly, not sleeping through the night, not getting into the deeper sleep stages, or simply not getting enough sleep – these are all factors that result in fatigue and negativity and thus procrastination.
Module 4 teaches you step-by-step how to optimize your sleep to make it as rejuvenating as possible, so you’ll wake up feeling more refreshed and have more energy, alertness, focus, and discipline throughout your entire day. You’ll also be able to fall asleep faster and sleep through the night without waking up.
⌚ Module 5
The Problem: Bad Time Management
Do you lack clear priorities? Do you fail to plan and protect your schedule? Do you let distractions run your day? These are factors that reduce your effectiveness each and every day.
Module 5 gives you a deep dive into time management and productivity basics. You’ll see my personal productivity system in action – how I plan my days, eliminate distractions, set priorities, protect my schedule – and will use it to create your own system.
⚒️ Module 6
The Problem: Lack of Tools to Beat Procrastination on the Spot
What do you do when faced with a challenging task? When you know exactly what you need to do but don’t feel like doing it? Without the proper tools, you’ll do what you’ve always done in such situations: put off the task.
Module 6 teaches you immediately applicable tools to beat resistance. Next time you know you should do something, you can use one of the tools and get done what needs to get done, whether you feel like it or not.
☯️ Module 7
The Problem: Weak Emotion Regulation Skills
Procrastination is at its core an emotion regulation problem. If you watch closely, you’ll see that you procrastinate because of negative emotions, usually guilt, fear, frustration, or boredom. When you don’t know how to deal with these emotions follow through with your intentions in spite of them, you’ll always take the easy way out – you’ll put off the task in an attempt to numb the negativity.
Module 7 teaches you the two most powerful emotion regulation strategies I’ve ever learned: self-compassion and mindfulness. You get a deep dive into these two strategies and learn exactly how to use them to strengthen your emotion regulation skills and reliably and consistently beat procrastination in the long-run.
"Nils Salzgeber knows more about productivity and procrastination than anyone I know."
- Zoe McKey, #1 Amazon Bestselling Author
Course Information
Here’s What’s Included With Procrastinator to Producer
Procrastinator to Producer combines two elements: an online course with seven modules of video and written content, plus direct and unlimited access to me for support.
After your purchase, you will be able to log in to an online dashboard, where you get immediate access to my private email address and all the seven modules of the course.
1) The Course Modules 📹
Each module is structured the same way and consists of a written instruction, seven to fourteen short video lessons, and one to six written action steps, as well as bonus material if necessary/appropriate. Each module ends with two or three short mindset videos designed to help you overcome limiting beliefs and keep you motivated.
2) Unlimited Support 🤝
In addition to the seven course modules, you get my personal support. Got a specific question, concern, sticking point, or something else you’re struggling with? Shoot me a quick message, and I’ll respond with a thorough and practical answer, usually within 12 hours.
"Nils is your go-to person when it comes to overcoming procrastination. In just over a couple of years, he went from being one of the worst procrastinators to building a highly successful blog and writing two books, impacting the life of thousands of people around the world."
- Thibaut Meurisse, Author of 'Upgrade Yourself' and 'Master Your Emotions'
"I love Nils Salzgeber’s approach to procrastination, discipline, and will-power—it’s insightful, straightforward, and completely practical. Definitely check out his work if you struggle with procrastination. Highly recommended!”
- Nick Wignall, Board Certified Behavioral and Cognitive Psychologist
Frequently Asked Questions
This course is closed for enrollment.
Don't Take My Word for It
What Clients and Readers of My Book Are Saying
💬 "I picked this up on Kindle Unlimited and it is a gem! I'm not saying that I have magically changed my life and stopped all procrastination, but I CAN tell you that since reading Nils' book, I have fewer dishes in the sink, I exercise more, and I spend just a few minutes less on distracting websites. HIGHLY recommended." ― S. Cooper
💬 "I've been a serial procrastinator for much of my life. There are times when I simply cannot push myself to do what I know needs doing. I was sent to time management classes, planner retreats, and given all the productivity tools I could ever dream of during my last round of employment, and they all worked - for about 20 minutes. Because procrastination is not a time management or productivity problem.
Nils Salzgeber gets it. He gets to the nitty-gritty of the problem, the uncomfortable truth: it's an emotion problem." ― Gayla
💬 "I have read many books on overcoming procrastination, but none of them have ever resonated with me like yours. Your book is the perfect combination of education and implementation. Plus it is the only book that truly gave me real insight into the reasons I procrastinate.
In my opinion, this book will help anyone who truly desires to overcome procrastination and is willing to put forth effort to make this change. I have spent too many years beating myself up for my procrastination and your book has set me free! Finally I can stop using the excuse of needing to find the “right book”. Thanks for writing this book. I look forward to reading your future books and trust they will be just as good as this one." ― Anita
💬 "When i started reading this book, right away I realized that Nils gets it. His description of the struggle that a chronic procrastinator goes through on a daily basis is spot on. The more I read the more I realized there is another way out of procrastination. I was really surprised that I was using his advice actively while reading his book, and I was able to read it all in one sitting, something that I have never done before with a book. Great book and great advice." ― Sebastian
💬 "This book the most helpful book on dealing with the bad habit of procrastination that I have read. It has made a positive impact on my life since I have started applying what I read.
When the author described the thoughts he had when he procrastinated they were mine exactly. He has been there, obviously. He is realistic about it in that there will be times when you procrastinate--two steps forward and one back. I have found that to be true, but using the tools he provides (some work, some don't, you have to discern what will work for you personally) I am getting more done, I am feeling good about what I have accomplished and I am not beating myself up about it.
Bottom line, I am procrastinating less and that's why I bought the book. The awareness of what I am doing to procrastinate and seeing the way I am justifying it and then beating myself up for being lazy and unmotivated is huge for me. Those justifications (excuses really) don't work anymore because I have learned from this book not to fall into that trap." ― Diane
💬 "This has truly been helpful. In fact, the first such book to do so. HIGHLY recommended." ― Sandra
💬 "The ideas began to help before I had even finished the book. Excellent resource extremely helpful to me. Increased my productivity quite a bit already. I plan to re-read it to get the ideas clear in my mind very short but packed with information." ― Anna
💬 "This book made me uncomfortable, in the best way. I was nodding my head to many of Nils' procrastination points that I hadn't realized I was guilty of. Luckily there are so many relatable, easily digestible and actionable tips in here there is no way I will be procrastinating in 2018." ― Meghann